Two Digit Month Codes

In the unusual instance where a two digit month abbreviation is needed, special consideration needs to be given to certain months. Below is a table with two-digit EventGuide month abbreviation codes.

Code Month Note
JA January Unlike "JN," "JA" can't be confused with any possible abbreviations for June or July
FE February  
MR March Using just "MA" could be confused with May
AP April  
MY May Using just "MA" could be confused with March
JN June "JU" can't be used because it's ambiguous with the possible abbreviation for July.
JL July "JU" can't be used because it's ambiguous with the possible abbreviation for June. The Y in "JY" is also present in a possible abbreviation for January.
AU August  
SE September  
OC October  
NV November "NO" was rejected to prevent any confusion with the word "no."
DE December  


Three character month abbreviations (Jan-Dec) are well-known and unambiguous. Two-digit characters, however, are a problem because March, May, January, June and July can create ambiguous abbreviations. (One digit month abbreviations are virtually impossible). One principle is to make sure that no abbreviation contains a letter that is present in another. This is why "JY" can't be used for either January or July. Another principle is to minimize confusion with other words or abbreviations. This is why "NV" is a better choice than "NO" for November.


Two digit abbreviations save screen real estate and some bandwidth, so they might be useful where resources are extremely limited. For example, in the early days of WAP (Wireless Access Protocol) circa 2001, document size was a premium because mobile phone displays and speeds were unimaginably limited. EventGuide last used these codes around the early 00's. Fortunately, such limitations on resources have become rare.

Another application is labeling for expiration dates, for example, in food packaging since the printable real estate on some packaging can be limited. In another example, "SE 15" drawn in heavy black marker on food packaging quickly indicates a September 15th expiry, making an item easier to spot or sort in a refrigerator or pantry, rather than hunting for the little stamped dates.